Friday, June 7, 2013

Quick Update

Tuesday, Matthew saw a dietitian. She says his diet is great and I didn't need to make any changes to it. I did not need to make a follow up appointment either.
Today, he had his EI evaluation. They said his communication and speech is at an 8 month old's level. His motor skills are good. Everything else is at a 10 month old's level. This is pretty discouraging since he will me 18 months on the 17th. So now, we go back once a month and he will be evaluated again in December.

I still haven't sold a thing, between eBay, etsy, and my Facebook page. I'm seriously thinking about just giving up. I am getting nowhere. Nothing will ever go right for me. I have no friends, no job, no car, nothing. I just wish something good would happen for once. But I guess that is just too much to ask for. I doubt anyone will even read this...