Friday, June 7, 2013

Quick Update

Tuesday, Matthew saw a dietitian. She says his diet is great and I didn't need to make any changes to it. I did not need to make a follow up appointment either.
Today, he had his EI evaluation. They said his communication and speech is at an 8 month old's level. His motor skills are good. Everything else is at a 10 month old's level. This is pretty discouraging since he will me 18 months on the 17th. So now, we go back once a month and he will be evaluated again in December.

I still haven't sold a thing, between eBay, etsy, and my Facebook page. I'm seriously thinking about just giving up. I am getting nowhere. Nothing will ever go right for me. I have no friends, no job, no car, nothing. I just wish something good would happen for once. But I guess that is just too much to ask for. I doubt anyone will even read this...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I need votes!

You have to "like" Red Heart Yarn to be able to vote. I'm trying to win free yarn and supplies! You can vote once every 24 hours until June 4th! Thanks!

Friday, May 17, 2013

What A Day!

Matthew had two appointments today. The first one was for WIC. He was weighed and measured. Still too small. Now he is 20 lb 6 oz and 29 inches. He got his finger pricked to check his iron and he got MAD! But he made a little friend in the waiting room so he was alright. He kept trying to take the bandaid off and succeeded. We got home and I realized it was gone.
His second appointment was for some paperwork for Early Intervention. He got to play with some toys and he had a blast. He kept putting the toys in the trash can though. Since his doctor diagnosed him as Failure to Thrive, he automatically qualifies for the program. So now the next step is the evaluation to see where he needs help. That will be in a couple weeks. His endocrinologist appointment is Tuesday.
I was supposed to see a car today after the second appointment but the woman never told me where to go to see it. Gotta love Craigslist.
Now we are relaxing at home. Matthew is in his swing, watching Bubble Guppies and hopefully he will fall asleep soon. He has been so grumpy tonight and all day yesterday. I think he is getting new teeth.
I still can't seem to sell anything and it is very discouraging. I have a Facebook page, an etsy shop, and I've had it on craigslist. I haven't gotten a simple message for anything. I need to finish my dad's blanket. I have 6 days. I am waiting for Matthew to go to sleep so I can turn the lamp on without him getting mad.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Matthew's Referrals

Matthew now has his appointment to see a pediatric endocrinologist. He goes on the 21st, which is two weeks from today. I also got a call from an EI program. The are assigning us to someone that will call me sometime about an appointment to be evaluated to see if he qualifies. I'm glad things are moving forward and I hope all is okay.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lazy Day

It is rainy today. That means Matthew and I cannot go for our daily walk. My knee is also killing me today. I have no idea why. I took some medicine but it has not kicked in yet. It hurts so bad, I can't even stand up. It hurts when I'm still too. So, I can't do anything today. I was supposed to go and apply for Medicaid for Matthew today but I am hurting too much. I have not yet gotten any calls for his endocrinologist appointment for about Early Intervention. Hopefully, I will hear something soon. In the meantime, Matthew is happily watching Dora, then his favorite show (Bubble Guppies) will be on. And I will probably spend the day working on my latest afghan. I have to have it done by the 23rd so I can enter it in Red Heart's contest. That is also my dad's birthday and the afghan is his present. I'll show a picture of what I have done later on, when I can stand without feeling like my knee is going to give out.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Just a test

Boiled peanuts were the ceremonious gift

I'm trying out some sites that pay to blog so I had to copy and paste the above sentence so they will know this is my blog. It doesn't pay much but maybe it will add up if I make enough posts. To make extra money, there will be a link in some of my posts and probably a long entry. Just a heads up. :)

Citrus Lane

I found this site where you can get a goody box for your kid every month. They have 6 month subscriptions, 3 month subscriptions, or just pay by the month. It looks neat and I REALLY want a box for Matthew. So I need for this crochet thing to pick up so I actually have some money to get him a box. For the first month, you can get it half off with a promo code and shipping is always free. I need some money now! I really need a real job...

Friday, May 3, 2013

My Work

I crochet afghans, mostly, but also hats and other things. I try selling it but so far, no luck. I have an Etsy shop and also a Facebook page.


Matthew is my son. He was born December 17, 2011.
He was recently diagnosed as Failure to Thrive. At 16.5 months, he is 19 pounds and 29 inches. He will soon have to see an endocrinologist and he will have to start an Early Intervention program (EI). There will be more on that later, when the appointments come.